Why Not Recognize Moms?

You know, some people are posting things on social media that talk about not having moms stand up at church because it may hurt women who haven’t had the honor and privilege of being a mom. I disagree with that. I know some women are hurting on Mother’s Day and I absolutely thing we should keep our eyes open and look for a way to let those women know we care about them, too, but moms deserve a day to be recognized. Because I live at home, I see everything through which my mom goes. I see all of the help she gives with homework, all of the cleaning and washing laundry she does, all of the teaching and praying she does for each one of us, all of the fights she has to break up, and all of the planning she does to make life and learning fun. She deserves a day to be seen and heard and loved. We can’t disregard everything moms do and give so we don’t illuminate other women’s hurt. As a single woman whose dream is to have kids, I can relate to these women. I know I’m young, but I still hurt sometimes. However, I don’t feel degraded by recognizing women who have had the honor of being a mom. The only thing different about this day, is that we’re looking at a mother and saying, “Thank you for being a mom.”

On the same note, I want to remind you to recognize the women who carried babies and gave them up for adoption when they wanted a better life for their babies, specifically the birth mothers of my brother and sister. These moms made a huge sacrifice, and they, also, deserve to be recognized and remembered. Also, the foster moms who care for these babies until they can go to their forever homes deserve to be thanked.

Thank you to all of the women who are moms, birth mothers, foster moms, and the women, such as teachers, aunts, and special friends who give their lives to love children!!! You are special!

By the way, here is the post I wrote about my own mom last Mother’s Day – “Mother’s Day.” 🙂