Demolition Begins – Pictures

Here are some before and after pictures of the upstairs.  Looking through these, I realize that pictures can’t do our experience justice.  These pictures make it look like we just didn’t clean our room.  They make it look we’re moving out.  They look like the sun is shining.  In reality, all of us kids are (or were before they started construction) afraid to go upstairs because it’s so incredibly dark.  We only have electricity in one room upstairs.  A couple of windows are boarded up and the other windows are covered in soot so not much light is coming through.  It’s DARK.  The pictures don’t show it well, but the ceiling and walls in my room are black – covered in soot and smoke stains.  There’s glass all over from windows and jewelry boxes shattering.  No matter how much I prepare myself as I’m walking up the stairs, as I open the door to my bedroom, I’m slammed in the face by the intense smell of our things burning.  It’s so overwhelming.  I hope these give you an idea of what our house looks like even though it doesn’t give you the whole picture.

   Image  Image  Image

Image  Image  Image  ImageImage  Image – The closet is where the fire started.  We, sadly, didn’t get any before pictures of the family closet.  It was absolutely amazing.  There was enough room for all 6 kids’ clothes and shoes.

Image  Image – Pictures of the closet after demolition has begun.

Image  Image – The bathroom before

Image  Image   Image – and the bathroom after.  We didn’t get many pictures before the cleaning ladies came because I think we were all still in shock.  The dark circles you see in the “after” pictures are where the nails in the walls and ceilings were attracted to the heat and somehow came through the drywall and paint.

Image  Image – My bedroom before 

Image  Image – and after the fire.  Again, not many good pictures.

Image   Image  Image – And after reconstruction was begun.

Image – This is the hole they put in the downstairs ceiling to help dry it out.

We decided on the layout of the family closet and picked out carpet today.  We’re looking through paint colors and those have to be decided soon.  “The guys” are still here working today so I’m sure more “during and after reconstruction” pictures will be following soon.

2 Weeks In

Life, life, life. So much has changed; some for the worse and some for the better. As overwhelming as our existence is right now, God has shown himself and proven His love for us over and over again. I haven’t failed one test since the fire even with as little studying as I’ve been able to do (I don’t think I failed one before the fire either, but I got to study then.) He has provided friends who have supplied all of our clothing needs as we’ve had them. Even yesterday, several people (who shall go unnamed :)) were complaining that they didn’t have socks. When we got to church last night, the 7th grade girls’ Sunday school class brought a gift bag over to us with a couple of pairs of socks for each person in it. When the fire happened, Dad told the people where he worked that he would be in the office, but probably not as much as usual, as he has to oversee the work at the house. His bosses told him that was fine and that he could work from home if he needed to. God has provided more than enough sales, while Dad has worked from home, that he’s only had to go into the office several days a week and only a couple of hours at a time.

Most weeks our pastor prays a similar prayer – “thank you for providing food to eat, clothes to wear, and a roof over the heads of each person here.” This past Sunday, that prayer made sense to me in a new way. There’s a good chance we wouldn’t have had food to eat, clothes to wear, or a roof over our heads these past 2 weeks if it hadn’t been for each of our friends who listened to God’s prompting and provided those things for us. We are so incredibly grateful.

The construction crews came in on Monday and ripped out the closet down to the studs. The cleaners came back today and cleaned my room and went through everything to decide whether it was salvageable or not. We got a call last night saying that insurance has (finally) approved the work on our house so the construction crew is supposed to come back tomorrow to plan their work and then rebuilding is supposed to start on Monday. Which means we’re having to quickly decide how we want to lay out the new family closet and we have to choose colors and carpet. I am so incredibly overwhelmed. It makes me thankful that when we found this house, it was big enough; we could just make the space work – we didn’t have to plan how big the clothing racks would need to be, how many drawers and shoe racks, what color to paint my bedroom, etc.

I turned in my last assignment of the semester today. I have 2 weeks left – 1 clinical day and 3 finals. I would love the prayers. 🙂

In preparation for my summer internship at the hospital, I resigned from the daycare where I’ve worked for over 5 years. I know it’s time to move on, but I’ll miss everyone.

I know there were a bunch of random topics in this post, but it’s been a while since I’ve written and who knows how long it’ll be until next time? 🙂


Life is crazy!! I want to update all of you, but my brain is a bit scattered right now, so this update may also be scattered. 🙂 We have a big hole in the ceiling downstairs, huge fans and air purifiers running all over, and people in and out of our house constantly. The inspector came through and cleared us of arson, thank goodness. 😉 He said the fire was not electrical, but is unable to determine anything further. We’re staying in a friend’s empty rental house on the north side of Anderson right now. We don’t know how long we’ll be there, but it meets our needs for the moment. Eventually we’d like to move south so we can be closer to home to oversee the work on the house and to be able to take care of all of our animals.

Working on school is very difficult right now. I took 2 tests today, having hardly been able to study, and I got a good score on one and an amazing score on the other. I am incredibly grateful! I have another test on Thursday, a 16-page care plan due Wednesday, and 4 assignments due Monday. I would appreciate your continued prayers for all of that.

When we lived in Ohio, a stray cat adopted us. About a year later, we moved to Indiana and she came with us. 10 years later, she moved to this new house with us. We’re worried because she disappeared last night. She’s an indoor-outdoor cat and we’ve seen her several times since the fire, but we haven’t seen her all day today. She’s Mom’s cat and her name is Sunshine. We would appreciate your prayers for her. And if it’s God’s will for her not to return, we would appreciate your prayers for peace and comfort.

I don’t have school tomorrow so maybe I’ll be able to post some pictures. 🙂 Thank you for your prayers and for continually checking on us. It means so much.

House Fire

For those of you who haven’t heard, Wednesday afternoon we had a house fire. Since we live about 20 minutes from where I do clinicals, I texted Mom around 1:45 telling her I would be ready to be picked up in 15-30 minutes. When I hadn’t heard back about 20 minutes later, I called her. She said she was on her way and was about to hang up when I heard screaming and Mom yelled, “Everybody out!! Emily, I have to go!” I figured she was hurrying people outside to the car to come get me. About 15 minutes after that, a strange number called and when I answered it, Rachel was hysterically yelling, “Emily, you have to get a ride home! Please come home! Our house is on fire! Our house is burning down! I called 911 and the firemen are coming!” She just kept repeating for me to please get a ride home. Of course, I start to freak out. My hands are shaking as I dial several numbers, trying to get ahold of someone to come get me from the hospital and take me home. When I got ahold of one of my classmates, she said she was on her way. I sat down and just started crying. I checked Facebook to see if I could figure anything out. I saw that Mom had posted, “Our house is burning down.” I was a total mess. Although it really only took probably 20 minutes, it felt like I was waiting forever for my friend to come get me. All I knew was that our house was on fire and it had started in my room. I didn’t know how long it would take the firemen to get all the way to our house, whether all of our pets had gotten out, how bad the fire was, or how much of my home would be gone when I got home. I posted on Facebook to pray for my family, and the whole way home, I kept getting phone calls, texts, and messages on FB. I was so incredibly grateful for everyone’s support. When I got home, the firemen had the fire out and they were tossing all of my clothing out the window and onto the porch roof. I was relieved the fire was out, but I found out the fire had taken out the whole family closet (all 6 kids’s clothing) and it had gotten at least part of my room and our only working bathroom.

I guess Rachel and Elson heard a smoke detector and went to find out where it was and whether it was just out of batteries. When they opened the door to my room, they saw so much smoke, they went tearing downstairs yelling, “FIRE!!” Mom sent them outside and she and Nathan went upstairs to see if they could put it out (Dad was at work and Sarah and I were at school). When they saw it was too big, they ran back downstairs and Mom called 911 and sent Nathan outside. Then she ran in and out, grabbing our scrapbooks in case we lost the whole house. The kids flagged down a Frontier truck (local cable and internet) and the selfless man helped Mom get scrapbooks out.

Shortly after I got home, friends started showing up to be with us. I was amazed and overwhelmed when several members of my small group (a post about them is coming in the future) showed up. One of them had a house fire a couple of years ago, so knew to bring apples, bananas, pretzels, and bottled water. I am so thankful for them.

After the firemen left, we got to walk through the house. The downstairs has water and some smoke damage. The family closet is completely gone. The bathroom will have to basically be taken down to the studs and rebuilt. The ceiling of my bedroom is black and there’s a lot of smoke damage, but it doesn’t look like any flames actually made it in. We’re amazed at God’s provision. Almost all of my clothes are gone, but right underneath where they were hanging, there was a plastic bin with my spring clothes that survived. Also right underneath my clothes were 2 of my violins, including my first one. Though I will need new cases, neither violin has a speck of damage. Right under the window and right next to where the fire started, Sarah’s college records and most of the stuff in my memory boxes survived. My paperwork in my filing cabinet right next to my clothes, is only a tiny bit singed. Sarah’s computer, desk, and school books were all up against the wall between the closet and my bedroom, and sustained absolutely no damage, except for smelling pretty bad. 🙂

The night before the fire, it was so beautiful outside, I slept with my window open. When I was leaving for school around 6:00 the morning of the fire, I felt impressed to close the window. I tried to rationalize the feeling, but couldn’t, so I went ahead and closed it. After the fire was out, the firemen told us if the windows had been open upstairs, we would have lost the entire house. Oh, my goodness. On Tuesday, I didn’t have school so I made a list of everything I needed to accomplish, of which one of those things was cleaning my room. Instead, I had to take our new puppies to the vet and got essentially nothing done. I was so upset! If I had cleaned my room, every speck of my clothing and my current violin (which has a soft case and probably would have caught very quickly) would have been in my closet. Instead, my violin is fine and I still have a couple of outfits. I was at school, wearing my scrubs and white shoes, and had my stethoscope and wallet with me so none of that had any damage. I’m constantly in awe of God.

Yesterday, the insurance adjustor came and did a walk-through and took a statement, guys went through our house and took every speck of cloth that was salvageable, to be professionally cleaned and is supposed to be able to get some of it back by tomorrow night. Some guys came and set up fans to dry up the water and some air purifiers to get rid of the horrible smell. We’re not sure when the investigator is supposed to come figure out why the fire started, but “the cleaning ladies” are here today, starting to work their way through our house.

Yesterday was tough because we had to go through everything in the closet and start a list of things that will need to be replaced. But it was made a little bit easier by amazing friends who kept my younger siblings so they didn’t have to spend all day at the house, provided lunch, 2 different friends who have offered their houses for the last 2 nights, brought snacks, gave us money, provided clothing and bathroom supplies, and have given us moral support and prayers (and I’m sure I’m forgetting many more things ).

The song, “I Will Praise You in the Storm” came on the radio yesterday while I was on my way to the house. We have a long road ahead of us (they won’t even let us stay in the house for at least another 2-3 weeks), many difficult decisions, and a lot of emotions, but I pray that I can continue to praise Him and bring Him glory throughout all of it.

I will have to continue going to school, working on assignments, taking tests, and going to clinicals, so you can pray for the determination and energy for me to be able to work on the house and go to school. Also, since they’re going to have to redo my room, the bathroom, and the closet anyway, we’re going to have to decide how we want them decorated. Quite frankly, I don’t even want to think about it. I just want my bed and blankets back. 🙂 So you can pray for clear heads for all of us. My siblings could also use your prayers. They, especially Elson, lost a lot of security on Wednesday. Elson was absolutely terrified. Yesterday, when a friend gave him a couple of shirts and pairs of pants, he wrapped his arms around them and didn’t want to put them in a bag or put them down in the van. He just wanted to hold onto them. They’re afraid, now, of smoke detectors (a friend tested one last night, and the looks on their faces were of terror) and they’re afraid every house in which we sleep is going to start on fire. Thank you so much for thinking of us and praying for us. I’ll continue to update and post pictures as I’m able.

Working Together

Spring has sprung at the Smith house!! We’re taking advantage of the amazing weather to fix up our barn and build a laundry line for Mom. These are some pictures. 🙂

Image Image The front and the back of our 60-70 year old barn

Image Image Image The girls worked on taking nails and screws out of old wood so we could use it again

Image Dad pretended to fall 🙂

Image Image Image Image Image Dad, Nathan, and a friend of ours are working on replacing rotted boards and building new walls and trusses

Image Image Elson and his friend, Blake, picked up scraps

Image Image Image Our cats enjoyed keeping us company and the chickens were already eating the bugs on the walls

Image Image Image Image This is us working on the laundry line 🙂

It’s fun to take an old barn that’s falling down and essentially useless and fix it up into something that will someday (hopefully sooner rather than later) house animals and equipment. It reminds me of how God works in our lives. Before I asked Jesus to live in my heart, I was basically useless. Yes, I had talents and could live a life serving others, but who was that glorifying? I was bringing myself glory and praise. Instead, when I asked Jesus into my heart, I gave Him permission to change me and make me a person who, though I OFTEN mess up, tries to do everything I do to bring Him glory. I want to be a “building” that houses the Fruit of the Spirit.

My Fate is Decided!

…Well, my fate for the summer. 🙂 As probably 100+ people applied for the student internship at the hospital and my chances of getting one of the few positions were fairly slim, Mom and I talked and we decided that we’d use this as a sign of what I should do for the summer. If I got one of the positions, I would believe God wanted me to stay here in the States for the summer. If I didn’t get one of them, I would arrange to spend the summer in Haiti. I got a call Friday morning offering me a job!! Of course, I’m a little bit sad because it’s been almost 3.5 years since I’ve been to Haiti, but I know God has a plan. My dad made a good point. This is an opportunity for me to make connections that may be able to help me years down the road if/when I’m in Haiti. I’m also excited to have an opportunity get experience in the hospital. I think I’ll learn a lot and I’ll also be able to put some money aside for when I do get to go to Haiti.

I will be working at Saint John’s Hospital, recently renamed Saint Vincent Anderson Regional Hospital. Orientation will begin on May 20th and will last several days. I’m not sure, yet, if I’ll work 5 8-hour shifts or 3 12-hour shifts. I’ll find out at Orientation. I’ll spend a week on each of the different floors – OR, ER, OB, med surg, etc., so I can experience each of them and decide what I want my specialty to be. After school starts again in September, I’ll keep working part-time until I graduate. Then, if everything has gone well, I’ll have the opportunity to be hired full-time!

From what I understand, I’ll do the work of an aide (giving baths, running errands, etc.), but I’ll also follow a nurse around. The nurse will demonstrate a skill and then I’ll have the opportunity to try it under observation. If I do it well, the nurse “checks me off” and I’m free to do that skill on my own.

Thank you, all, for your prayers, suggestions, and support. If anyone wants to get together this summer, I’ll be around! 🙂

Spring Break in Pictures

For spring break we went to the Creation Museum in Cincinnati, OH for the first time.  We had so much fun and we highly recommend it!  Here is the link in case you want to find details. I’m sorry the pictures are so small.  If you click on them, you can see them bigger.  

Image  We stayed in an old bank (here’s the link in case you want to stay there!), built in 1903, that was converted into a guest house.  What history!

Image The living room

This is the vault that was turned into a bedroom.  I got to sleep in it!  The only bad part was rolling over in the middle of the night and bonking my head on the concrete wall. 🙂

Image We had visitors that hung out in our “front yard.”  Poor Daddy can’t even get away from chicken poop on the porch when we’re on vacation!

Image The neighbor dog came to visit…..Isn’t my brother adorable??

Image Rachel used to be in gymnastics – Can you tell??

Image  Image  Image 

We went to the Creation Museum! 

Image  Image  We forgot to bring the camera on the first day so we don’t have many pictures, but these are a couple we got on the second day.

Image  Image  Image  Image 

Rachel, Anna, Sarah, and I all fed the donkey/horse and donkey/zebra mixes

Image  Image  Mom and Nathan fed the goats

Image  Elson fed the camels!

Image  Dad fed the peacock 🙂     

Image  We held a giant snake – Elson was the first and was quite excited

Image   Nathan

Image  Rachel 

Image  Anna

Image  Sarah

Image  I was TERRIFIED!

Image  Mom

Image  My brother, the goofball 🙂

Image  Elson insisted we needed a picture with the dinosaur