Love of My Life

I’m in love with Haiti. I think about the country and the people multiple times a day. I dream about the next time I get to go and plan for when I actually get to move there. Being with one of my friends from Haiti and getting to talk to my Haitian dad yesterday, was AMAZING. But I’m paying for that experience today. It’s just about all I can think about. And I just want to cry because I want to be there so badly.
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This beautiful country has so many aspects. The beach is gorgeous. White sand, blue water, brightly colored flowers, it’s just amazing. The mountains against the horizon are awesome. I’ve only gotten to hike one mountain yet and not very high, but I look forward to going to the top someday. I think even the city, with all of its pollution, trash, and crumbling buildings and roads, is beautiful. It’s a part of the country I love so much, so I think it allows me to see past all that.

The smells are overpowering. Foods being cooked at roadside markets, trash being burned, and burning sulfur are the ones that stick out to me most. They may not always be good smells, but I would welcome them right now. 🙂

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The sounds are probably what I miss most, besides the people. Cows, donkeys, chickens, and dogs can be heard all hours of the night (if you haven’t heard a donkey, you have to listen to the sound clip I attached:)). Cars are honking constantly as they warn other cars they’re passing. Being surrounded by Creole – oh, I miss it.

There’s so much about this country that I just can’t explain. The cars driving all over the road as there are no rules to the road. The intense heat and humidity that, surprisingly, are incredibly motivating. The bright colors of clothing, buildings, and tap-taps (the local transportation). The women balancing unbelievable baskets and jugs of goods on their heads, without using their hands. You really have to see it to understand.

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And the people are incredible. They look at you and wait to catch your eye so they can smile at you. The children just want to be near you. They’re just content to hold your hand or sit on your lap. The people are so warm and inviting. One time I was at a tent city passing out rice and some children were holding on to me wherever they could. I think a couple of them were pulling my hair or dragging me or something….I can’t remember. But I told them not to do that in Creole, and I will never forget their reactions. They were stunned that a white person could speak some Creole! They turned to each other and kept saying in Creole, “The blanc (what Haitians call white people) can speak Creole!!” It was pretty funny. 🙂

I hope this gives you a little picture of the country I love so much. 🙂

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