The Future

God’s timing is always perfect. He has proven that to me over and over again. However, His timing doesn’t always match my timing. If I had my way, I probably would have moved to Haiti 3-4 years ago. But then I wouldn’t have been around for Mom’s cancer-fighting journey, for our move to this amazing new house, to be a part of my siblings’ lives, and I wouldn’t have met my awesome friends in my small group. I miss all of my friends and adopted family in Haiti, but I’m so thankful God has kept me here these last several years. I was talking to a friend at church yesterday, and she reminded me that looking at the positive side of things really makes it easier. You can’t see what God has planned for 5 years from now, or even tomorrow, but you can control your attitude.

For years, many people asked me if I’d ever considered being a nurse. I always answered that I didn’t think I was cut out for it. I just wasn’t the nursing type. However, when I went to Haiti 3 years ago, a pastor on the trip was working in wound care and asked if I would help him treat a sore on a baby’s arm. Those of you who know me, know I can’t resist a baby. So I said yes, and worked wound care for the rest of the week. When I realized I could stand wound care and I thought about how many people had suggested I go to nursing school, I felt like God was saying to go for it. I conceded and told God (no, I don’t think I really thought through “telling God” anything) I would pursue an LPN degree. When I got together with a nursing advisor at a local college, she said I could have all of my pre-requisites and co-requisites for the RN program done in the same time as I could for the LPN program. In addition, the RN program is only one semester longer. So I said ok, I would apply for both and accept whichever position I got. You might have guessed….I got into the RN program. I feel confident that I’m where God wants me for now. Except for the tests, I’m actually enjoying school. I’m enjoying learning new skills and gaining knowledge I’ll appreciate and be able to use for the rest of my life.

I don’t know, yet, what I’m going to do after I finish nursing school. I’m considering several options. I’d really like to move to Haiti, but I’m also considering pursuing a Masters or even Doctorate in midwifery or nurse practitioner. If I move to Haiti or get married and start having kids, there’s not a good chance I’ll go back to school, so I want to make sure I accomplish any schooling I may want/need while I’m still in the States and haven’t started a family. So we’ll see what happens! I guess the one thing I’ve learned for certain, is to stay in touch with God on a daily basis.




One thought on “The Future

  1. K.S. says:

    Hey Emily,
    The Lord spoke to me today while reading Ecclesiastes. It was one of those days where I was wanting to live in/for the future and not so much in the present. Here is what Ecclesiastes 9:5-7 says:

    For the living know that they will die,
    but the dead know nothing;
    they have no further reward,
    and even the memory of them is forgotten.
    Their love, their hate
    and their jealousy have long since vanished;
    never again will they have a part
    in anything that happens under the sun.

    Go, eat your food with gladness, and drink your wine with a joyful heart, for it is now that God favors what you do.

    My favorite part of the passage is verse 7, where it says, “for it is now that God favors what you do.” Our own dreams, agendas, opinions, plans etc. will be worthless when the Lord calls us home. His concern is whether or not we obey and serve Him TODAY. Thanks for the reminder!

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