Love the Sinner, Hate the Sin

“Love the sinner, hate the sin.” What a difficult concept. As a conservative, I disagree with many of President Barack Obama’s decisions. I believe that life begins at conception and that abortion is Biblically and morally wrong. I believe that Americans have the right to bear arms and that it’s not guns that kill people, but the angry people holding guns. I disagree with instituting laws that take guns from American people. I disagree with universal healthcare. I believe it is the church’s responsibility to care for the poor, sick, widows, and orphans….it’s not the government’s right to take my hard-earned money and use it to pay for things with which I don’t agree. I disagree with taking God out of schools. I believe everyone has a right to worship whomever they want, but that doesn’t mean you forbid one religion to make room for another religion. I “hate” the decisions President Obama is making for our country, but I don’t “hate” him. We’re trying to teach my 8-year old brother that we need to pray for the President. We need to pray for him to come to know Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior (if he hasn’t already) and will begin a personal walk with Him. We need to pray that he looks to God for wisdom as he makes decisions that will change the course of history forever. Please join me in praying for all of the leaders of our country, states, cities, and schools. Pray that our country will remain “A shining beacon on a hill” and a light and refuge to people all over the world.

As I watch the inauguration of President Obama this morning, I’m reminded of an incredible tv series that I watched. It’s called “The West Wing” and it aired when I was younger, but it’s on dvd and Netflix now. If you want to see how the White House and running a country work, I highly recommend it.

I hope I haven’t made anyone angry or offended anyone. That was not my intention – I want to enlist all of your help in praying for our amazing country.


One thought on “Love the Sinner, Hate the Sin

  1. Donna Nobles says:

    I couldn’t agree with you more.

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